Recycling Center
Recycling Center invites communities to integrate art, ecology, and generative systems in a soft space where we transform natural invasive fibers, and local waste into paper! This is an all ages workshop and multi-sensory experience creating a calming atmosphere for curiosity centered education. Recycling Center Experience has been offered in CA, WA and AZ, and has received support by California Arts Connection and Arcosanti Arizona.
This workshop experience has the potential to create a permanent systems shift. This is a direct action to interrupt the waste stream, and create a closed loop while simultaneously offering tools and resources to continue this process beyond the workshop. Recycling Center is a traveling template for generative systems culture. This is a flexible offering that adapts to the spaces it is presented in. In one instance, Recycling Center not only offered workshop and research into invasive species, but also set up Arcosanti with their own paper making workshop to continue direct recycling as a form of art making.
If you are interested in bringing Recycling Center to your community, please fill out this form.